Experiences and Habbits.

What to do when you are deviating yourselves from the very basic ethics and regular features? It was 1 year back while pursuing career in MediaOne, I have certain regular habbits or can be said as the fundamental Practices from my school days. Like wake up at exact 5am, having bath,yoga then on to the daily workout, sleeping after completing all the days writings in the diary.

Now things changed may be I changed. wake up so late, not writing regular diary pages, unscheduled works,,,and so on. Someone rightly said that "you gain experience on observing yourself and others" and "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do. "

I hope that, will be regular on my blog updates from now onwards.

Kunmun got her internship in Surgery.
Watched Gattaka, and Monsters inc.

Current Song : Baje Sargam...from doordarshans collection
Current mood : Refreshed
