Watched much awaited movie Swadesh-We the People in IMAX ADLABS Late night show, though the ticket is bit costly (Rs 170/=), but its worth watching.The music is refined and shows A.R Rahmans mark. Some of the talks to compare it with LAGAAN is bullish. Each of them were of diffrent era and dipicting diffrent scenario's. Swadesh cant reach the hight which LAGAAN did but its a movie with a diffrence. Return to room by 2am .
Also watched :
:Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind: - Kate winslte, Jim Carry (best in serious Act)
Current Mood:
Current Song : Vande Mataram (Revival A.R.Rahman)
Also watched :
:Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind: - Kate winslte, Jim Carry (best in serious Act)
Applied online for the PAN-CARD. Good to have online Application submission for PAN. Didnt have to roam through the IT department ,just fill up the form online, get a print out of aknowledgement reciept and sent it to the MUMBAI PAN-CARD office with a Signature on it. Thats it! After verification YOU will get your PAN card,within 5 days.
Current Mood:
Current Song : Vande Mataram (Revival A.R.Rahman)