Alert For
Citizen of India
Bank of India does
not even listen to RBI’s guidelines, Don’t even bother to Pension Law’s or Can
Withdraw Money from Account Holders Saving when they need it, and if by chance
you get to know that They will start playing to cover it up. So Be Aware of this Bank Its Infectious and
untrustworthy one.

and Harassment by Bank Of India (BOI) Authorities on Senior Citizen - Female
illiterate Pensioner
Case Summery :
In October 2012 – Deduction of Rs
17271/- from the Account of the Pensioner without any Intimation
In November 2012 again Deduction of Rs
The Pension Changed to Rs 6320 from Rs 7808
(for the month of Nov-Dec 2012) by the Bank , whereas the Pension given
by the Railway is Rs 7808/-
Surprisingly the Pension Was again
Changed to Rs 3820 from January 2013 till Today , whereas the Railway is
Crediting Rs 6320/- for the Pensioner.
The Case was Put forward to Bank
Ombudsmen , but the outcome favours the Bank , just neglecting the facts and
documents. The Question of Trust on Banking Lokpal is still hazy as they do not
do any investigation , rather follow the word of Bank and concluded without
closing the Complain. (Banking
Ombudsman Scheme , 2006 Compaint No 0865/2012-13, RBI Letter on March 22, 2013,
BO (BHU) No 3817/12773/2012-13)
intimation is been served to the Pensioner in any aforesaid changes and inspite
of approaching the Bank (BOI) , they are completely deaf to listen and just
goes on deducting the money from the account as and when they wish to…
When the Pension is Fixed at Rs 7808
how could the Bank make it Rs 3820 ?
Why there was no correspondence with
the Pensioner of any changes as directed by the Law of Banking and Railway
Pension Rules 1993?
Demanded for Damage (Mental Agony and Humiliations)
For the inhumane act of Bank to
mentally torture a senior citizen , who is also an illiterate person , who
doesn’t have any role in fixing the Pension .
The Bank Authorities Should be Punished
under the Law of this Country to avoid any such deliberate attempt to sabotage Personal Savings of his account
holder, just for there benefits.(Bank Deducted the whole deposited amount from
Pensioners account – Rs 17271/- without intimating )
For the Whole Act of Dictatorship,
inhumane acts, Presenting Fake Documents to the Banking Ombudsmen’s a
Compensation Amount of Rs 3 Lakhs is Demanded
under the Consumer Forum of India.
It was really Shocking to know that Without any Communication to the
Pensioner The Bank Of India, Gopalpur Branch, Cuttack, Odisha have
Deducted the Whole 3 month’s Pension(Rs 17271/-) from the Account of Mrs
Sulochana Swain, bearing S/B Account No 511110110001177 on October 16th
2012, leaving behind just Rs 88/-
balance for her to survive. That She had Saved her Pensions for her Eye Operation
and Medicine expenditure for the last three months, to get this shocking News,
when she reach the back to withdraw her Pension.
When She reached the Bank on Nov 1st 2012, the Bank Authorities harassed
her by saying that She had been drawing excess Payments and that she have to
pay the rest Rs 60,000 (Out of Rs
77271/- in total ) to the Bank from any Fixed deposits if she had any
with her, Else they will never let her take the pension until the Complete
Refund is done by her.
On this My Brother who accompanies
my Mother(Pensioner), asked the bank to tell what exactly happened. The Bank shows
no Humanity in releasing the Pension, to my Mother and she had to left the bank
in total Dismay and Mental Harassment.
Banks Dictatorship – Hiding Mistakes
The Bank had deducted the complete Pension as on date, from the Account
of the Pensioner , without her Knowledge and even blocked further Pensions. As
per the Court of Law and the simplest form of Banking Corporate Ethics, Before
Deduction of of Rs 17271/- , at least the Pensioners profile, and consent
should have been taken into Consideration and the Mistakes done by the Bank
should be focused on , rather than Punishing the Pensioner . By Profile I mean
to say that the the Pensioner is a Senior Female Citizen, and she is
illiterate. Keeping this in View it should be a natural sense for the Highly
Educated Bank Authorities to catch hold of those Officers, who have made
the Errors/Mistakes, to the tune of Rs 77271/- for the last 5 years (60 plus months of mistakes, unnoticed without
noticing the Access Payments).
The Question Arises here is that, why an illiterate Person be Punished
for the mistakes done by such irresponsible officers who are highly Literate
and are doing the same Mistake for last 5 years.
It is highly likely that those, who have done these errors for all these
years are sitting relaxed and have taken there huge salary, without doing the
work for which they are appointed. They should have Punished under the Court
of Law, with Penalties, to eradicate such errors in Future.(refer to the
Honorable High Court and Supreme Court Order Below) Even if they have at
least 1% of Self realizations, they should have come in front to accept there
mistake and take appropriate action as a True Citizen of India, instead of harassing
Senior illiterate Citizens, like they have done in this case.
Here it should be noticeable for all those highly literate persons like
Bank Managers/Authorities that by taking the Complete Pensioners Money from her
Account, the Consequence are Fatal. The Complete Trauma she had taken due to
the irresponsible act by Bank is intolerable and should be Punished Under
Article 19 of our Constitution; freedom of speech is guaranteed fundamental
right. We are living in a democracy, not a fascist dictatorship.
It was on the intervention of her son Saumendra Swain with the Bank Authorities,
that she was allowed to get a partial Pension in the Month of November (Rs
5500/- ). Here also the Authorities have calculated in there own monopoly style,
by saying 1/3rd of the Pension will be deducted every month else
will keep the Pension Blocked. The Bank have not taken any Pension Law into
account, and on asking about the Pension Laws they are Following or not , They
have just given me a amaze look, and said what they are doing is right and no
need of talks on this.
This act of Cruelty by the Bank Authority is inhumane and should
be punished in the Court of Law. Again the Deduction of Whole 3 months Deposits
from the Accounts of the Pensioner, without any Consent is illegal and a criminal
offense by the Bank. In No Circumstances the Banks has the Authority to Collect
Money from a account holder, without the Account holders permission/Consent and
that too for the wrong doings and errors which is not done by the Pensioner. Why
should a illiterate Senior Pensioner (Female) should be harassed to such an extent?
Needs to be answered and to be Compensate .
Though the value of Compensation on the Mental torture and Dismay can’t
be measured , it should be decided by the Court of Law and Banking Ombudsmen
JUDGEMENT in Similar Case
Central Pension
Accounting Office (CPAO) functioning under the Controller General of Accounts.
"The recovery of Rs. 80,807/- from the fund of
the petitioner is illegal. The respondents are directed to make payment of this
amount with interest @ 6% per annum within a period of 30 days after producing
a certified copy of this order before respondent no. 3. However, it shall be
open to respondent no. 3 that in case fixation of amount of pension has been
done on the basis of wrong pay-scale then it may be corrected."
"That it
had been admitted by the respondents that there is neither any fault of
petitioner nor the petitioner was in any way responsible for fixation of scale.
Hence, in the circumstances no such excess amount due to alleged wrong fixing
of pay could have been recovered from him by the respondent from his retrial
dues. The order is also being assailed on the ground that no opportunity
whatsoever was afforded to him by the department before passing the said order
of recovery. Hence the order order of respondents is illegal arbitrary and
against the principles of natural justice.” Railway Services (Pension) Rules
POINT no 90 and 91 listed below :
Revision of pension after sanction (1) Subject to
the provisions of rules 8 and 9 pension once sanctioned after final assessment
shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the railway servant unless such
revision becomes necessary on account of detection of a clerical error
Provided that no revision of pension to the disadvantage of the pensioner shall
be ordered by the Head of Office without the concurrence of the Railway Board
if the clerical error is detected after a period of two years from the date of
sanction of pension.
(2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1),
the retired railway servant concerned shall be served with a notice by the Head
of Office requiring him to refund the excess payment of pension within a period
of two months from the date of receipt of notice by him.
(3) In case the railway servant fails
to comply with the notice, the Head of Office shall, by order in writing,
direct that such excess payment shall be adjusted in installments by short
payments of pension in future, in one or more installments, as the Head of
Office may direct.
91. Provisional
Pension (6) C
The Head of Office
shall ensure that chances of disbursing the
amount of gratuity in excess of the amount finally assessed are minimized and the officials responsible for the excess payment shall be accountable
for the overpayment.