Truth to be told, I took a lot of efforts in the initiative, to understand certain health issues like Cancer and Malaria. With in the time frame of my knowledge and the understanding , appended by the myths and facts of the disease, I always and always horrified by the causes. The Cancer as a disease I got to know first during by Graduation when One of my Cousins father (Gudia baba) got Mouth Cancer. It was late 90's and I was at the hip hops of Ravenshaw College studying Zoology/Biology/Chemistry. I took lot of efforts to understand this disease by taking Gudia baba to SCB Medical for repeated checkups. Check out the Global Trend of Cancer Down Below
Doctors use to prescribe lot of Medicine and the most common Radiations (Iodine 60). It took nearly 4 months for us to run and chase at SCB Medical College, until it all came to an end (Final adieu by Gudia baba). Shocked by it I realized than, Cancer does need more understanding and is unstoppable.

My understanding never stops with this unstoppable disease. Every fortnight there is some astonishing Findings and Still we ignore the age old quote " Prevention is better than Cure". The American Cancer Society estimated that in 2012 about 173,200 cancer deaths will be caused by tobacco use alone. In addition, approximately one-third of the 577,190 cancer deaths expected to occur in 2012 are attributed to poor nutrition, physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity. Much of the suffering and death from cancer could be prevented by more systematic efforts to reduce tobacco use, improve diet and physical activity, reduce obesity, and expand the use of established screening tests
Here are Main Causes of Cancer in today's lifestyle:
- Heavy cell phone use could lead to cancer
- Cancer allegedly due to radiation from mobile phone towers
- Measures, such as reducing alcohol consumption and not smoking can reduce the risk of HPV infections progressing to cancer.