Searching Best Website DEsign Company ?

I often asked about this question while in a seminaar, in a talk or somewhere with clients.

Now to Answer "What is the Best Website Design Company ?"  Question We need to take some consideration steps to analyses and then decide.

For Ease of understanding , I Have listed the Criterion / points to makes us in making better selection.  

Lets be honest in saying , that Websites are not always the same ,

In the Past 21 years Since 2002 , I have seen ever flow of Knowledge and Diversity in Website Design and Development that is huge and will take more time to read upon .

In these Years I can Point Some Very Revolutionary Innovation by Companies and People. Like the Progresive Web App (PWA) , the CSS, The Grid View, The Material Design, AMP (Accelerated Web Pages)

While these years of Experiences , makes me list out the Essential elements , that can be a decisive factor to get the best Website Designer or Website Design Company .

NOTE : Website Design Can be dome Anywhere in the World for Anyone without even Physically Present .  
Why PWA is the Best Mobile APP and Website

The Criteria to Look for Best Website Design Company :

  1. Location of the Website Design Company
  2. The Expertise of Technology (PWA, SEO, HTML, CSS, CMS, JavaScript, Videos and Image Management etc)
  3. Experience of Web Designing (Years + tech used)
  4. Diverse Projects (Different Business, Different Designs, Python, Perl, Php, Cloud based, HTTPS Security, Regular Updates, Images Optimization, Speed Loading, Split Loading, Responsiveness, Collapsible Menu, Business Automation, Online Chat Support etc)
  5. Online Support : (Email, Chat)
  6. Future Dynamic Trend Knowledge : (Cloud base Database System Management - CBDSM, PWA , AMP, Email Notification, Maps for users, Help Guide Creation, Online Books, Presentation Online)

Location of the Website Design Company

First You need to Ask yourself : are you searching for the local company or companies located else where?

It depends on the requirements of your Website, that makes sense to select a Local Website Design Company or a Company Situated somewhere else.

Like for Example . Doctors Needs a Website for the Clinic/Hospital and that it should be done with Images, Videos, Contents. To get the Details and Assets like Images, Videos one has to visit them, as the Profession does not have enough time to send them in Emails.

But the Problem is that Most of the time they end up using services of Web Companies , which are in Close contact but not have the Proper expertise in the field.

In the End the Website is just a copy of Clinic/Hospital Brochure in Online format. This is no way serves the Purpose.

It would be much better, if they have researched and knew the technologies available online to make there Website incredibly accessible.(like they might get a Online Appointment system , Chat Support, Email Notification, Maps for users, Help Guide Creation, Online Books, Presentation Online, smartphone Responsive website etc)

In fact the Presence of Web Design Company Locally is not a required criteria , to choose the Best. 

Its always better to Email your Requirement of Fill up a Form Like this to get the best Price and Details of Website Design as per your requirement.

The Expertise of Technology

Technology expertise is a must to look out

As you may know, Google is the No.1 search engine where people search for  all sort of Products and Services.

Apart from Static Web Design to Dynamic Web Design Look for some more expertise that the website design company have.

Look out for Web Sesign Companies that have clear expertise in Google Enables technologies like Search Engine Optimization, Image Optimization , Fast Loading Website Page Techniques, Mobile Responsiveness, Voice search etc

Look out for the Experience in all these technologies that can be a turning point in boosting your Website to Global Audience.

Once you know the Expertise, We come to our next point of interest  called : Experience

Experience of Web Designing

Web designing basically took its infancy stages during the year 2006 - 2009 .

Though there were Website before that, the trend of Good Website Design starts in the year 2006.

Online Portals like Alist Apart, SitePoint , W3C are the front runner in discussion on Website Design esthetic sense as well as Value services.

Choose the Experience based on Good or Excellent Years as below :
  • Good Experience - 4-6 years 
  • Excellent Experience - 7 to 12years and more.  
Basically Website Design Company Who had more than 4 years of Experience is a good Choice. Just Look in details and Discuss with the Person in the Company about the Expertise Technologies that they knew about and implemented.

Diverse Projects Portfolio

As mentioned in the Expertise Section, those who have experience in making both Static Website as well as Dynamic Website are best bet to look out for.

Projects specific to Profession and business are to be consider , when looking for a portfolio of Website design Company.

For Example .if a Web Design Company have created Websites for Travel Industry like Tour Operators, Travel Destination , Tour Guides, Hotels, Restaurants that you have more reliability in them.

As they can have a good experience in Designing the best Website for Hotels and Travel Agencies. See examples here

Similarly looking for someone having experience in Hospital and Clinic Web Design , Including Doctors Profile Website , which need more research and subject expertise, then they are good prospects for hiring. Check out Hospital Website Design for Future

The Diversity in building and managing different business online is a good sign of reliable service by the Website design Company.  

 Look Out for:
  • College and  Education Websites
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Restaurant Website Design
  • Online Shop Web Design
  • News Website Design
  • Sports Related Web Design
  • Events Website Design
  • Wedding and Occasion Web Design
  • Departmental Web Design
  • Services like Car Rental, Bike Repair Web Design
  • Real Estate Web Desigfns and Many More
The Point is to make sure that you see some potential improvement in your own Website in the long run, when you hire a Web Design Company to develop Website for you.

As the time pass by you may get to implement new technologies like Voice enabled search , Online Chat Facility , Customer Support tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI) , which is very easy with Companies having experience in these fields.

Online Support : 

With the boom in  online technological advances and smartphone penetration in the World, the online support facility is a must feature to grace upon.

Those who can gave a good interface, good implementation for the online chat and Email Facilities , these 
