The Year 2004 and the Prediction

The Future Prediction in 2004 for 10 years 

It was late in 2004, I mean 18 years ago that I watched a small Video named EPIC 2014. (see below )

It was during the days of working for Media One, DIGIT magazine, and  Typei that friends and colleagues discussed a lot on its presentation and future prediction. 

The Video actually resonates with the future vision of technological giants namely Microsoft, Google, and Amazon as the Powerhouse by the year 2014. 

Today almost 18 years later, when I see this video it makes me think of the creator and his perfect Prediction except for some like Amazon and Google don't join as predicted. 

I had a talk with Gopal yesterday and referenced this video, as the Work from home culture flourished and Companies like TCS and Infosys are making it a norm, while the Projects work is distributed to multiple companies, unlike the regular way to get from a single company.

What is your thoughts on this please share in the comments below : 

